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Successful Benefit Concert for Coffee4edu: Supporting Education for Out-of-School Children in Nigeria

Last weekend, we held a benefit concert in Berlin for our project, which aims to support out-of-school children in Nigeria to return to education. We were thrilled to see such a great turnout at the event, with over 100 attendees and 24 volunteers.

The concert was a huge success, and we want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who came out to support us. Your participation helped to make a real difference in the lives of children in Nigeria, and we are so grateful for your generosity.

One of the ways we raised funds at the concert was by selling eco-friendly cups. These cups are not only cute and functional, but they also help to reduce plastic pollution in our environment. We believe that by taking small steps like this, we can make a big impact in the long run.

We are excited to announce that thanks to the funds raised at the concert, we will be able to provide education to even more out-of-school children in Nigeria. We can’t wait to share with you our next steps for this awesome project!

Once again, thank you to everyone who attended the concert and supported our cause. Together, we can make a positive change in the world, and we are so grateful to have you on board with us.