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Result of a design thinking live workshop with e-Bloom

The Coffee4edu project is the result of our participation in e-Bloom’s design thinking live workshop. This is the story about how an e-learning experience can have a social impact, and how co-creation and collaboration between humans can create beautiful social projects that can improve the lives of others.

The ideation process of the workshop focused on “How might we help Back to School Africa create a more sustainable fundraising campaign to support out-of-school children in Nigeria. After the 2.5 hours fun workshop where we had a dozen participants, the winner idea was #Coffee4Edu. The initial prototype was to create a flyer, share it on social media and analyse the reaction of the people. However, after further discussions, we adapted the idea of creating reusable coffee mugs and selling them to raise funds to support more children.

In order to do so, we are starting with a MVP (Minimum Viable Product). This means that we are starting with a small experience, with a low investment. This is going to be a pop-up event where we will introduce our first set of reusable coffee mugs. 

Our goal

It costs about 40 Euros on the average to put a child through school for 1 year in Nigeria. Many families cannot afford this due to the extent of poverty that is prevalent in many parts of the country. Our goal for 2022 is to provide access to education to 250 less privileged children by paying their fees and providing them with school materials. 

How are we going to reach it?

We are kicking off with a first event at La Maison, one of Berlin’s most vibrant and cozy cafés. We are creating 700 mugs that we aim to sell at 5 Euros each. We expect to sell around 300 mugs and with this money, we can already create 700 more and distribute them in different cafés in Berlin. We expect to sell 3000 mugs by the end of 2022, and with this, we would have raised up to 10.000 Euros with which we will fund the education of 250 children in Nigeria.

The kick-off event

Because all the participants from this project are based in Berlin, we have decided to organise this event in the popular neighbourhood of Kreuzberg. La Maison at Paul-Lincke-Ufer 17, was our first option. They have a great location, amazing coffee, cozy and open space and really tasty bread and pastries. We got in contact directly with his owner, Andreas, to ask permission to do this kick-start event there. The answer was a big YES!

On Sunday the 30th of January, between 12 pm and 3 pm, our volunteers are presenting the project with flyers and selling the mugs.

We will also have a beatbox artist o lighten up the mood and a lot of enthusiastic energy. We would like to invite you all to participate in this event with us.

Photos from our Coffee4edu events

Click the links below to see our Coffee4edu events:

Would you like to support the Coffee4edu project? Please click the buttons below to make a donation or to volunteer.